Beatbox: A Raparetta is a modern dramatic musical production written and performed in rhythm and rhyme with vocal drumbeats (beatboxing), hip hop dance and a live DJ. The play is soaked in hip-hop culture built from equal parts of love, anger and hope.

Soaked in the raw emotions of the streets, Beatbox: A Raparetta explores the lives of two step-brothers as they navigate the challenges of loss, jealousy, poverty, and the pursuit of their dreams. With equal parts anger and hope, the play's hard-hitting lyrics and unbeatable combination of live beatboxing and DJ beats creates an immersive experience that grips the audience until the gut-wrenching finale.

Conceived by the founders of the renowned hip-hop music and theater collective Felonious, Beatbox: A Raparetta has captivated audiences in New York, San Francisco, Oakland, Houston, and Germany. This electrifying production is a testament to the power of the arts to explore the complexities of the human experience and the resilience of the human spirit.

Beatbox: A Raparetta is published by Theater Communications Group in the Hip Hop Theater AnthologyPlays from the Boom Box Galaxy

Beatbox: A Raparetta was produced by The Ensemble Theater of Houston in March 2024.
